How to find us ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** As a unit of the Rector's Office of Charles University, the Department of the Quality of E Accreditations is based in the Karolinum complex. We are accessible from both the main ent trh and the entrance on Celetná street. Our department's offices are located at doors 207 second floor. If you require consultation on anything and wish a personal meeting with us, you are welco any time. In this case it is best to arrange a meeting with the competent person in advanc can prepare for the meeting and provide you with the best possible support. An overview of areas of activity can be found in the People and operational areas (contacts) [ URL "OKVAE section. You will always be welcome. Contact address: Rektorát Univerzity Karlovy Odbor kvality vzdělávací činnosti a akreditací Ovocný trh 560/5 Praha 1, 116 36 Czech Republic Page Admin: Jakub Homolka